Wednesday, November 9, 2022

How to make your relationship last longer?

đź’—Is this some type of magic
that happens by itself
Breaking thousands of barriers
this heart escapesđź’—

Love is one of the most beautiful things in life. There is nothing more thrilling than having someone with whom you can share your whole self and who will accept all of you. When a new love relationship starts your entire day is consumed by the thoughts of your partner, you keep flying somewhere in winds. You always promise to your beloved that you won't separate whether the world wants it or not. You promise that your love story will never be erased. The lamps of loyalty burn in your heart but reality is something else. But sometimes love doesn't last, even if you have tried to make it last as long as possible. Even if you have been together for years, there are times when things just don't work out. Maybe your partner has a new girlfriend or maybe he is no longer interested in being with you. Either way, it can be really painful to lose someone special like this and it's not always easy to accept that they don't want to be with you anymore. So, making your relationship last longer is definitely not easy but also not impossible if your love is true. In this blog post, you’ll explore some tips on how to make your relationship last longer:

    👉Communication is the key

    1. Honest communication 

    One way is to make sure that you are both on the same page with respect to what you want. For example, if your partner wants to have kids but you don't, then it's important to be honest about that up front so that the other person isn't surprised when it comes time to make decisions about the family.

    2. Know how to compromise 

    Another way is to make sure that you are both clear about what works for each of you, and communicate that regularly. For example, if one of you likes being out in nature and the other prefers city life, then it could be helpful for them to know this so they know what kind of compromises and compromises are possible when it comes time for planning vacations or trips away from home.

    3. Open Communication

    Another way is simply paying attention! If there's something that bothers either one of you but neither one of you has brought it up yet, then maybe talk about it now! By having an open discussion about what bothers either person at any given moment can help keep things from getting too uncomfortable.

    4. Avoid criticism and judgment

    When communicating with your partner, try to avoid speaking in a way that criticizes or judges them. This will only lead to defensive reactions and arguments. Instead, focus on speaking calmly and constructively about the issue at hand.

    5.Seek help if needed

    If you're having difficulty communicating effectively with your partner, don't be afraid to seek out counseling or therapy together. This can be an incredibly valuable experience for couples who want to improve their communication skills.

    👉Let go of the past & live in present

    1. Don't talk about your past

    If during a conversation you bring up your past unpleasant moments then you are destroying your present yourself. You need to stop here. If you reference the past in your today's conversation then it converts small arguments into huge disagreements.

    2. Don't talk about your ex

    Never ever talk about your ex to your partner. Don't count the qualities of your ex infront of your partner and you must not do it in your bed especially.  This upsets your partner and unnecessarily spoils  your relationship. 

    3. Enjoy your present

    You should always keep your relationship fresh by finding new interests together. You can go for movie once a week, picnic, you can try adventurous activities together, learn something new like learn to cook new dishes, dance class, yoga class and many more. Living your life to the fullest will bring you closer together.

    It's important to let go of the past if you want your relationship to last. Holding onto resentment and anger will only poison your relationship and make it difficult to move forward. If you can't let go of the past, it will be hard to truly connect with your partner in the present. Learning to forgive and move on is an essential part of any lasting relationship.

    👉Finding time for each other

    It can be difficult to find time for each other when you're both busy with work and other commitments, but it's important to make sure you spend quality time together. Here are some tips on how to make your relationship last longer:

    1. Schedule time for each other

    Make sure you schedule regular date nights or weekend getaways so that you have quality time together. This will help keep the spark alive in your relationship.

    2. Communicate

     It's important to communicate with each other about your needs and wants. If you're feeling neglected, let your partner know so that they can try to make more time for you.

    3. Be understanding

    If your partner is busy with work or other commitments, try to be understanding and patient. They may not be able to always give you their full attention, but they still love and care for you. Listen more than you speak. It's important to really hear what your partner is saying, without interrupting or jumping to conclusions. Try to simply listen and understand their perspective.

    4. Appreciate each other

    Take the time to appreciate all the things your partner does for you, even if it's just little things like making coffee in the morning or taking out the trash. These small acts of kindness can go a long way in making your relationship last longer.


    Create a vision for the relationship you want, you have to take responsibility for your own stuff. You two together can form stronger bond between you. You just have to trust each other and have patience when time is really hard. Always work as a team, together you can accomplish much more than you can as an individual.

    đź’“Has your heart gone crazy
    When the body moves to the beat
    Why to feel shy, dance freely
    Sing to your heart's tune

    The name that is written on your heart
    you will fall in love with that special oneđź’“

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