Friday, November 18, 2022

20 Good Morning images for your lover

 When you are in love every thing seems beautiful. You don't feel the need for sunlight and shade, only you two become important to you. To love and to be loved is the best feeling. In morning when you wake up you think about your love and your day also ends with his thought then why not let your partner know about this thought. A day starts with morning and it becomes great if it starts with morning wish of your loved one. I have some best Good morning images which you can send to anyone to make them feel special:

I hope you will like these images💓💓

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Some Best Holiday destinations for couples in the US

 The holidays are a time for couples to reconnect and enjoy each other's company. There are many great holiday destinations for couples in the US. Whether you are looking for a romantic getaway or a fun-filled adventure, there's certainly no shortage of great destinations to choose from. Some of our favorites include New York City, Boston, San Francisco, and Los Angeles. Each of these cities has something special to offer couples looking for a romantic getaway.

Looking for a romantic place to spend your next vacation with your significant other? Check out our list of the best holiday destinations for couples in the US !

1. Niagara Falls, New York

Niagara Falls is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world, and it's easy to see why. The magnificent waterfalls are simply breathtaking, and there's plenty to do in the area. Whether you want to take a scenic hike, go whitewater rafting, or just enjoy the views, Niagara Falls is the perfect spot for a romantic getaway.

2. Maui, Hawaii

Maui is often referred to as the "Valley Isle," and it's easy to see why. This stunning island is home to lush rainforests, beautiful beaches, and some of the best hiking in Hawaii. Maui is also a great place to enjoy some of the best seafood in the state. No trip to Hawaii would be complete without a visit to Pearl Harbor and the USS Arizona Memorial. If you're looking for a romantic destination with plenty to do, Maui is definitely the place to go.

3. San Francisco, California

San Francisco is one of the most beautiful cities in the world, and it's also a great place for couples. The city is home to world-famous landmarks like the Golden Gate Bridge and Alcatraz, and there's plenty of great shopping and dining to enjoy. If you're looking for a romantic city break, San Francisco should definitely be at the top of your list.

4. Zion National Park, Utah

Zion National Park is one of the most popular national parks in the United States, and it's easy to see why. The park is home to some of the most incredible scenery in the country, and there's plenty of great hiking and camping to enjoy. If you're looking for a romantic getaway with a touch of adventure, Zion National Park is the perfect destination.

5. Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming

Yellowstone National Park is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the United States, and it's easy to see why. The park is home to some of the most incredible scenery in the country, and there's plenty of great wildlife to see. If you're looking for a romantic getaway with a touch of adventure, Yellowstone National Park is the perfect destination.

6. Yosemite National Park, California

Few places on earth are as naturally beautiful as Yosemite National Park. With its soaring mountains, pristine forests and thundering waterfalls, Yosemite is the perfect place to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life and reconnect with nature - and your partner.

There are plenty of romantic hiking trails to explore, and if you're feeling really adventurous, you can even spend a night camping under the stars.

7. New York City, New York

For couples who like to keep things more urban, New York City is the perfect destination. From strolling hand-in-hand through Central Park to taking in a Broadway show, exploring one of the many world-famous museums, or simply people-watching in Times Square, there's no shortage of things to do in the city that never sleeps. And, of course, no trip to New York would be complete without a visit to the top of the Empire State Building for breathtaking views of the cityscape.

8. Big Sur, California

If you're looking for a truly unique experience, consider spending a few days in the stunning natural setting of Big Sur, California. With its towering cliffs, pristine beaches, and winding roads, Big Sur is the perfect place to unwind and reconnect with your partner. For an even more romantic experience, book a room at one of the area's many luxurious resorts.

9. Santa Fe, New Mexico

When it comes to destinations for couples, there are few places as romantic as Santa Fe, New Mexico. With its beautiful landscape and rich culture, Santa Fe is the perfect place to spend quality time with your loved one. Here are just a few of the many reasons why Santa Fe should be in your list for a romantic getaway:

The Scenery

There's no denying that Santa Fe is one of the most beautiful places in the country. From the stunning Sangre de Cristo Mountains to the picturesque Rio Grande, there's no shortage of breathtaking scenery to take in. Whether you're hiking, biking, or simply taking a leisurely stroll, you're sure to fall in love with Santa Fe all over again.

The Culture

Santa Fe is also home to a wealth of culture and history. With its Spanish colonial architecture and Native American influences, Santa Fe is unlike anywhere else in the world. There's no better place to immerse yourself in the culture than at one of the many museums or art galleries in the city.

The Food

Last but not least, Santa Fe is a foodie's paradise. From traditional New Mexican cuisine to contemporary fusion dishes, there's something for everyone to enjoy. Be sure to sample some of the local fare while you're in town - you won't be disappointed!
Whether you're looking for a romantic weekend getaway or a longer vacation, Santa Fe is the perfect destination for couples. With its stunning scenery, rich culture, and delicious food, there's no better place to fall in love all over again.

These are just a few of the many romantic destinations the US has to offer. So, whether you're looking for a place to escape the hustle and bustle or somewhere to enjoy some fun in the sun, the US is the perfect place to plan your next romantic getaway.

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

How to manifest a specific person using law of attraction?| How to manifest love from a specific person?

  Are you looking for love? Or, more specifically, are you looking to manifest a specific person into your life? If you're like most people, you probably want both. But, when it comes to manifestation, it's important to be specific about what you want. But, before learning how to manifest a specific person using law of attraction you need to know what law of attraction is. Law of attraction is like a law of gravity. If you let this go, it's going to go down. anything heavy in this world is attracted towards the center of the world. Well, the law of attraction is always working. It is always influencing you. The law of attraction is all about energy. What you put out there is what you're going to attract back. Whatever you aspire for in your life, be it love, health, money, career or anything, a thought is created in your mind and when you starts working towards your thought your actions become reality. But you need to know how to create a positive thought. Your mind is like an empty bowl if you fill it with positive vibrations, you will see positive outcome but if you fill it with negativity, you will not get desired result.

Now the question arises, is it really possible to manifest a specific person using law of attraction? The answer is YES!! It is possible. I, myself, have manifested my love using law of attraction. You need to follow these steps to manifest you love:

1. Be clear about what you want

The first step is to be clear about what you want. What kind of relationship do you want? What kind of person do you want to attract?

 Be as specific as possible. The more specific you are, the easier it will be to attract that person into your life.

2. Visualize what you want

 Visualization is a powerful tool for manifestation. When you visualize what you want, you're putting out that energy into the universe.

 So, take some time to visualize what your ideal relationship would look like. What would you be doing together? How would you feel?


3. Put yourself out there

If you want to attract a specific person into your life, you need to put yourself out there.

 You can't just sit at home and hope that person will magically appear. Go out and meet new people. Get involved in activities and hobbies that interest you.

 The more you interact with the world, the more likely you are to meet the person you're looking for.

4. Be open to love

One of the biggest mistakes people make is that they're closed off to love. They have an idea of what their perfect partner is supposed to be like and they're not willing to consider anyone else.

 If you're closed off to love, you're not going to attract anyone into your life. So, be open to the idea of meeting someone new. Be open to the idea of falling in love.


5. Be patient

Manifestation takes time. It's not something that happens overnight.

 So, you need to be patient and trust that the universe will bring the right person into your life at the right time.


6. Say affirmations

Positive affirmations retune your subconscious mind to attract a specific person, the one that you desire in your life for love. Powerful affirmations put you in vibrational alignment with the one that you love plus they give you increased confidence and magnetism. You can recite these affirmations anytime:

  • I happily give and receive love each and every day
  • I only attract a healthy loving relationship
  • I am like a magnet for the person that I desire
  • Our relationship will grow and expand day by day
  • I am easily attraction my lover into my life
  • I am attracting my dream future
  • I am confident the one I desire is growing in love for me
  • Our love is growing so deeply and strong
  • I am Loved I am Loved I am Loved
  • I love the fact that my lover is always thinking about me and texting me
  • Our desires go stronger and stronger each and every day

 Why aren't you able to manifest your love using law of attraction?

 You've probably heard of the law of attraction. It's the belief that you can attract what you want into your life through the power of your thoughts. So, if you want to manifest a specific person, you just need to focus your thoughts on that person and the universe will do the rest, right?


 The law of attraction is a powerful tool, but it's not a magical solution for all your problems. If you're wondering why the law of attraction isn't working for you when it comes to manifesting a specific person, here are a few possible explanations.


1. You're not being specific enough.

When you're trying to manifest something, it's important to be as specific as possible. The more specific you are, the easier it is for the universe to understand what you want and make it happen.

2. You're putting too much emphasis on the "how”.

When you're trying to manifest something, it's important to focus on what you want, not on how you're going to get it. The universe will take care of the "how" for you.

3. You're trying to control the situation.

When you're trying to manifest something, it's important to let go of your need to control the situation. The universe will take care of the details for you.

4. You're trying to force the situation.

 When you're trying to manifest something, it's important to let go of your need to force the situation. The universe will take care of the details for you.


5. You're not believing it's possible.

When you're trying to manifest something, it's important to believe it's possible. If you don't believe it's possible, the universe won't be able to give you what you want.

For example, let's say you want to manifest a new car. If you focus your thoughts on how you're going to get the car, the universe might interpret that as meaning you're not ready for a new car. But if you focus your thoughts on the car itself, the universe is more likely to give you what you want.

 The same goes for manifesting a specific person. If you focus your thoughts on how you're going to make this person like you or how you're going to get them to notice you, the universe might interpret that as meaning you're not ready for a relationship with this person. But if you focus your thoughts on the relationship itself, the universe is more likely to give you what you want.

True Love happens once in a lifetime and when it happens even God cannot break that pure bond of love.

You do not need your eyes to find true love, only heart is enough.

If you desire something from your pure heart then whole universe will help you getting that. 


Friday, November 11, 2022

Signs of a toxic relationship| toxic relationship psychology| toxic traits in a relationship

There was something special you could have seen it

but you didn't even try

It's your loss and I don't care about it

Now there is no love and it's fine

 No relationship is perfect, be it personal or professional. A relationship can be categorized into two types- healthy relationship and unhealthy relationship. A healthy relationship is one in which you accept flaws of your partner and still give them love and respect. In a healthy relationship, couples trust on each other, treat themselves equally, care for each other, keep holding each other's hand in every situation. 

    On the other hand, unhealthy relationship is a toxic relationship. In a toxic relationship, there is no care, respect, love and trust. On the name of love, one person try to impose his/her decision on the other, threatens his partner every time. In such relationship there is ego, disagreements, never ending conflicts, controlling nature which may be emotionally or physically harmful to them. One party always feel unhappiness and drained all the time. There is a very thin line between healthy and toxic relationship. Let's see some signs of a toxic relationship:

    👉Signs of a toxic relationship

    1. Blame game

    If your partner always consider you responsible for any bad happening and give credit to himself if something good happens, threatens , blame you for every time then it may be a sign of toxic relationship.

    2. Lack of trust

    If your partner never share his joy or sorrow, hides financial decision, keep secrets or you may do these things then there is certainly lack of trust between you. A relationship can never go smooth if there is no trust between couples. A relationship is just like a car and trust is fuel for it, like a car cannot run without fuel similarly relationship cannot go ahead without trust.

    3. Only give, no take

    In a relationship there should be equally give and take because if you are giving all the time, creating efforts to make your partner happy for ex, making something special for your partner to please him and in return he is not even appreciating your beautiful efforts then you will start feeling negative which will eventually create a negative impact on you emotionally.

    4. No self care

    To take care of your partner needs you might forget your self care habits, routine, neglect your hobbies and health. You might be sacrificing your time and energy which is very important for you and your partner doesn't even care about it then it is high time to think because you are in a toxic relationship.

    5. Jealousy

    Jealousy becomes a problem in a relationship when your partner is jealous of your growth, success in career. If your partner doesn't like the fact that you are earning more than him or you are getting better opportunities in life to grow and he finds excuses to stop you or doesn't want to grab opportunities then you are in a toxic relationship.

    6. Controlling nature

    Does your partner not like your hang out with friends but he does the same? Does he become angry if you meet with friends without his permission? Does he become angry if don't attend his calls immediately? If yes, the my friend your partner is controlling you and you are in a toxic relationship.

    7. Conflicts and disagreements

    Disagreements are common between couples but if it has become a part and parcel of your life then this is not a healthy relationship. Controlling partner will always try putting you down, criticize you on small talks. These conflicts and arguments weaken the thread of bonding between you. 

    8. Shut off from your dear ones

    If your partner isolate you from your friends, family, loved ones and try to make you dependent on him only then you person is a toxic one. He may acts like he doesn't know he is doing wrong to you. He will not see you hidden sad face.

    9. Antagonistic talk

    A hostile talk can create tension between couples. If your partner yells on you, use abusive words, threatens you, respond in a sarcastic way but not understand your emotions, blames you, throw away the things while talking then it is the red alarm to rethink about your relationship.

    10. Unworthiness feeling

    A toxic partner will always make you think that you are not worthy of love, care and respect. You will feel like you don't deserve better. You will be loaded with negative energy and emptiness. 

    👉Effects of toxic relationship on you

    A toxic relationship hurts you to the core of your heart. It will break you emotionally and also damage you physically. You can see effects on you like:
    • Stressed every time
    • Sleeplessness
    • Short temper issue
    • Negative thoughts
    • Low self esteem
    • No self care
    • Headache
    • Mentally and emotionally disturbed
    • Arise of diseases in body
    • Heart problems

    👉Should you try to improve toxic relationship?

    Well, fixing a relationship should not be your decision only. You should try if you both agree to improve your bond, fix problems between you, play no blame games, willing to invest equal energy, quality time, understand and respect each other. Remember, a car is of no use if it has only two wheels, it will run if all four wheels are working. Similarly, relationship is like a car and you two are the wheels.

    👉How to heal from a toxic relationship?

    1. Make yourself your first priority. Work on self love and self care.
    2. Find new hobbies and try out new activities.
    3. Surround yourself with positive people only. Don't let anyone let you down because you deserve respect, you are worthy of everything.
    4. Meditate daily, you can join yoga classes.
    5. Give yourself a treat.
    6. Don't contact that toxic person again. Block him on social media, stay away from his negative energy.
    7. Don't be shy to contact a counsellor if you need.
    8. Get proper sleep.
    9. Focus on you career growth.
    10. Trust the Universe because Time heals everything.
    If you deal with toxic partner then don't let yourself suffer, throw him out of your life if he is not willing to fix things. Listen to your heart, stay true to yourself and move on. This journey may not be the full of roses but it will show you the way to a garden full of beautiful roses, you just have to remain strong and trust the process.

    I am not sure what drug he consumes.
     but nowadays, my beloved is faithful to everyone.
    Now, I will think whether to love him or not
    Whether to make my heart restless or not

    20 Good Morning images for your lover

     When you are in love every thing seems beautiful. You don't feel the need for sunlight and shade, only you two become important to you....